Executive Coaching

Personalised Development Solutions For Your Top Talent

Two-thirds of one’s job success (especially at senior levels) comes not from technical skills, but from people skills.  This is the focus of our executive coaching programs.

Realise the Power of Executive Coaching

Executive coaching pushes executives to grow professionally and personally, and develop the skills required to take them to the next level of leadership.

Agilo’s Executive Coaching Helps Leaders:

  • Improve emotional intelligence
  • Enhance strategic thinking
  • Increase executive presence
  • Refine communication skills
  • Boost credibility with peers and managers
  • Garner greater influence

Maximising a Leader’s Impact

Coaches help their clients identify the underlying reasons and engrained habits that are responsible for their current performance and alter behaviours that get in their way.

People take a job because of the company — but leave because of bad bosses. Executive Coaching re-engages the leader, and through them, their teams.

Executives in Agilo’s programs have reported:

  • Greater effectiveness and productivity
  • Increased awareness and perspective
  • Improved listening and communication skills
  • Strengthened relationships
  • Greater confidence
“Executive coaching really changed my life and confidence. Instead of making decisions based off gut feelings or reactions to stimulus, I now have systems, communication skills and techniques to work through problems that I am able to pass along to my staff. I’m able to share my vision, validate before debate and use non-violent communication to give positive and critical feedback in a respectful manner."
General Manager

Agilo’s Personalised Approach

We personalise our programs to the needs of each company and each executive, however, our structure is proven successful:

  • Multiple coaches to interview to assure a good fit
  • Goal alignment with supervisor
  • 360 assessment and/or Self-assessment
  • Structured Development Plan with tangible measures
  • Ongoing communication with sponsors
  • Ongoing course-correction as needed
  • Final summary and wrap-up

Why Agilo’s Executive Coaching?

  1. Our process is proven; our clients get results
  2. Our coaches are at the top of the industry (certified, experienced experts)
    We focus on tangible, trackable measures and results
  3. We are easy to do business with honest, reliable, timely, professional
  4. Our Core Values: Integrity ~ Authenticity ~ Service ~ Reliability ~ Joy

We’re looking to be your long-term partner, so we’ll always tell you the truth: including when we think a candidate isn’t coachable and you should save your money.

If you have any doubts about someone’s coachability, Agilo Coaching will help you determine if your candidate is likely to take full advantage of the process.  Ask us about our “Are They Coachable?” guidelines.